Children, especially your own, are like rays of sunshine in your life. So, I thought it a good blog title! Of course once, Tookie Baby arrives I’ll change the picture to one of all 3 of them but for now I thought the cotton field was fitting. It’s one of my favorite pictures of one of my favorite places on earth with two of my favorite people in this world!
I have 18 days left before Baby #3 graces us with her pressence!! YAY!!! I wish it were today though; I am so over being pregnant. It’s soooo stinkin hot now and to tell ya the truth I am rather bored. Tired of just laying or sitting around or giving out of breath trying to read to the twins!! I will be 37 weeks on Wednesday and go back to the doctor on Tuesday. 2nd to the last of my appointments!! I’m ready and so is the rest of the fam!
Last Sunday Audrey said: "I sure wish we could see her” with great longing in her voice. And yesterday she said “What’s taking so long for Tookie to come out?” She always is hugging on my belly, telling Took she loves her and kissing her goodnight. James asked me today was this the day we were going to the doctors office to cut Tookie out! They started asking questions a couple weeks ago about just how Tookie was gonna come out so, I took the plunge and told them that the doctor was going to have to cut on my belly to get the baby out. The looks on their faces were PRICELESS! They were so shocked at first and then they were horrified. James got this real concerned look on his face and said, almost in tears, “No, they can’t cut you!!! It will hurt you too bad!!!!” And Audrey chimed in with “But mama, they might cut you up in tiny pieces!!!”
After a little reassuring explanation that mama would not feel any hurt at all and that, no, they would definitely not cut me into tiny pieces, they are now okay with the idea. Just anxious, like me and their daddy, to finally see this new baby we’ve been talking about for what seems like an eternity!