Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Baby Shower

Last night the sister’s at Tired Creek gave Tookie and I a baby shower. It was so sweet of them to think about us and want to give us one and we just had the best time! All of these ladies are so special to me and I love them dearly. As expected, the food was delightful and the fellowship even more so. Tookie baby got some adorable little outfits and lots of much needed (and appreciated) diapers and wipes among other things. Everyone was very generous and I was truly humbled by it. We are very blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives!

Big Mama, Amy, Mollie and Elizabeth
(Not my best side and I should not of worn stripes!)

I had a little trouble keeping the boxes on my lap!

Checking out our gifts

Sis. Hilda, Sis. Lillian and Sis. Pearl.
(Sis. Lillian is 98 years old soon to be 99!!)

Sis. Doris and Sis. Juanita

Sis. Lillian, Sis. Pearl, Sis. Hilda, Sis. Doris, Sis. Peggy and Sis. Gerri

Sis. Jenny and Big Mama again! I must say this pic is 
slightly more flattering of my large figure. Perhaps it’s 
because you can’t really see my face....


  1. BeAuTiFuL home-grown bouquet I bet! How sweet that those precious sisters gave you and Ms. Tooke a shower~

    So glad to hear that Ms. Tookie has some goodies... Come on lil' lady bug~

    Bless your heart! No wonder you're so miserable...don't know how you were much larger when there were two!~ nb

  2. I just can't resist...you sure theres only one in there?j/j! I know how much you love that! you look great though.

  3. Well, maybe not. Maybe we have been keeping a surprise for everyone!! Some guy told me yesterday that I either needed to quit eating so much or lay off the beers. Nice.

  4. It's GOOD to "see" you in this setting again. LOVE how you've done Spring Cleaning on the site AND the chirren in the cotton patch. The shower was a sweet gesture. And, the diapers & wipes the MOST tho'tful gifts. Okay, 'manda, I'm ready now. The stage is set...Miss Tookie, COME on down!
