Wednesday, September 28, 2011

3 Months

Again I am a few days late but it’s been a little hectic around here lately. We’ve all been crazed, overly tired and grumpy. Except for you my love. We hauled you to Birmingham for the first time last week and then to Danville for another hardshellin weekend and you didn’t skip a beat.

You did great on the trip to Alabama and acted like you had no idea you weren’t at home! You slept well each night and while we were there you started to bat at your toys on the bouncy seat. Your hand movements may still be erratic but you are definitely trying to touch them. And you are turning your head over so far and pushing so hard with your little legs, you will be rolling over in no time!! You also started being very verbal on your own whilest there which is to die for cute. So much of the time we would stop what ever we were doing to talk back to you. You also have fallen in love with your reflection in the mirror. I hold you up to one and you just grin so big! It’s hilarious.

You were an absolute angel at church all weekend too. We hauled you up there early Friday morning and stayed in church all day long and went back the next morning for some more! The only time you protested was when you were sleepy and all I’d have to do was gently rock back and forth and out you went. You were such a friendly little thing and smiled BIG at everybody that talked to you!! It was very exciting for me to take you “back home” at this age. Everybody had an absolute fit over you and kept saying how much you look like me. A few people said they didn’t even have to ask who’s baby it was because you look so much like me! Bless your heart.

On Saturday morning cousin Tammy was holding you and with out a peep or a poot you had the biggest blowout ever. I mean biggest ever. It came straight up your back (how these things happen.....) and got all over Tammy and your beautiful pink and white dress from Aunt Mary Lou. Not to mention your back, legs and even a little on your face. Gross. Thankfully Sis. Cathy Malone was in the bathroom at the time and she helped us so much. Tammy had her own mess to clean and there was no way I could do anything with you by myself!! Lets try not to do that again, Tookie!

I can’t believe 3 months has already passed and I look forward to the next 3 months, my sweet Livi Ray.


  1. Your babies are just "grandfathered" into this hard-shelling bidness. Seriously, 'manda. They're so good...and poster children for all those 'modern moms' who need a Sunday school or nursery to manage their babies while they get religi-fied. That's another of the 10 zillion reasons I love the Old Baptists. Your babies are a delight and I agree with all who said 'livi was a spitting image...she truly is. Precious in His sight...and mine.

  2. I really love all of her different expressions in all of Livi's pictures. Too cute.
