Sunday, August 28, 2011

2 months

Yes, I’m a few days late. Sorry about that.
We went on Wednesday the 24th of August for your 2 month well check. You weighed in at 11/14 and were 21 1/2 inches long. You had your first round of immunizations and were ever so pitiful when that mean old nurse stuck you in the leg three times. But you were quickly comforted and slept pretty much round the clock for the next 36 hours! Dr. Walker took one look at you and asked how many ounces you were eating now. When I told him 4, he laughed and said “every hour?” You have become quite the chunky monkey in the last month and your daddy and I are enjoying every ounce of it!!

You can roll from tummy to back now because you get to kickin so hard when you are on your tummy you just flip right over! You coo and blow bubbles at us when we talk to you and smile every time you see our faces after a long period of time has passed with out seeing us. You have also laughed out loud a few times in the last week. You have started to pay close attention to your brother and sister when they are around. But it’s kinda hard not to since they are in your face the whole time you are in the room like the paparazzi on Princess DI!

You went to your first annual meeting this weekend at Union Hill and did exceptionally well. Every one at church was so happy to finally get to meet you and they just raved and raved about how beautiful you are! I must agree with them.

Not sure if it’s just my age or if it’s actually that having 3 kids has made me feel like a “real”mother. What ever the case may be, having you has sparked something in me that I didn’t know existed. When I look in the mirror now, I no longer see the child I was when I married your father 8 years ago but I see Amanda, mother of 3 beautiful, perfect children and wife of an amazing, faithful man. The Lord’s been good to me and I want you to know it. He blessed me beyond measure with your precious little self, Olivia Ray, and I will love you forever and always acknowledge the good and perfect gift that He sent me from up above.



  1. So sweet and totally made me cry! Can't wait for our sweet number 3 to get here :)

  2. The pics look so much older than two months! She is so precious and I can just hear her cooing and talking!

    What a sweet chat from your momma little Olivia Ray~ You are both blessed.

  3. 'manda, at the birth of my 3rd child, I went from being Nervous Nellie to being calm and SO enjoyed the third and then, the fourth, child God blessed us to have. Love this 'journal-ing' for 'liv. She is such a butterball and the photo with her in her little nightclothes, probably fresh from her bath...I believe I can actually SMELL her sweetness. Glad her first experience at church was a good one. God bless you all...
