Saturday, August 6, 2011


I can vividly remember getting to the end of many a day when the twins were itty bitty infants and realizing that I had yet to take a shower or that I skipped a meal somewhere along the way and was utterly starving. I can also remember being so depressed because I’d look around thinking how busy I had been the whole day and it looked like a tornado had come through and I’d wonder just what in the world I’d been doing. Well today was one of those days. I was so busy I haven’t showered yet (actually still in my pj’s!), it’s 9:32 at night and I just got finished eating supper, AND it looks like a tornado swept through. The only difference is I know and can tell what I was doing all day: being extremely productive. For real.

I was so sick of seeing all the bills and papers and plain old junk that accumulated over 6 months of pregnancy where I was just a blob and then the 6 weeks postpartum where I was just focused on keeping my head above water. So today I sorted through the ridiculously tall stack of papers, threw stuff out and made piles for all the bills (paid and unpaid) and other things that will go in my nifty little organizing containers that will go in the new home office I created in our bed room and will create in part of our closet. Oh and in order to get that home office in the bedroom, I had to rearranged the whole room and am pleased as punch with my efforts. JSYK, it was a pretty huge effort seeing how I moved everything by myself since Jon is on a preaching trip this weekend.

I also made shadow puppets on the wall, went to the deep, dark jungle to capture an elephant, and played paper dolls with my Peach. James went with Jon to Mississippi for the weekend. Audrey was supposed to go but she’s got a little sinus infection and I decided it would be best for her to stay and get plenty of rest. It’s been totally different here with out the two of them tag teaming me! Audrey has been perfectly content to entertain her self most of the day and by that I mean staying glued to the t.v. watching the same two Strawberry Shortcake movies pretty much all day long. I think she enjoyed not having to share with James! I asked her today while she was helping me make her lunch if she missed James and she said “Yes!! Well, most of the time.”

And lets not forget all the sweet sugars I got from Ms. Tookie!


  1. Sounds like you're getting your groove on. Feels so good- doesn't it?

  2. Yes! Order, what a sweet feeling of accomplishment. And of course,a change always does a women good. Good for you~
