Jon had to go back to work on Monday. Monday was not such a great day around here! I felt like all the work we’d done getting used to having a new mouth to feed around here was pointless. I almost wished Jon had never had the Summer off!!
But Tuesday was good. James had a neuro appointment and that went GREAT!! The doctor released him on a as needed basis! He just insisted that we keep up with the orthopaedist saying that his ankle/foot problem was gonna be around basically forever and needed to be kept under a watchful eye. I’ll be honest here, I’ve been slack in that area. I forgot to make a followup appointment way back when (basically because if you didn’t know he had a problem you wouldn’t notice and it just got put on the back burner) and it’s extremely hard to get an appointment with this man. He comes from Pensacola 2x a month......
But I intend to get right on that!!
I had my 6 week postpartum check up and I am officially released to do any thing I want! Guess that means no more excuses and I will be hitting the gym soon and picking up that darned old mop as well!!
Today has been a really fabulous day as well. For the most part any way. We (the kids) have been banned from the t.v. once again today for some serious attitude problems so that makes a little extra work for me. I can’t let them rot their brains while I get stuff done which means unless I want them gouging eye balls, pulling hair or throwing punches I have to actually engage my children in activities from time to time during the day!! I let them help me make a cake for tonight which they L-O-V-E to do!! Audrey loves to “make with me”!!
Tookster is sleeping soundly at the moment. She really is such a good baby and I truly believe the Lord has had mercy on us in that area. He knows what all we went through with the twins :)
Update with our Birthing Plans
10 years ago
It IS miserable, 'manda! We're doing similar activities when the GRANDboyZ are here. We've finally told them NO MORE DS when they are here. They didn't even bring it this time. I am ACHING to be able to be outside for more than 10 minutes. So happy Emily is "family friendly". And, letting Audrey and James "help" is REALLY genius. Train them chart is a good thing. Love hearing your days with babies.